How To Cut Aluminum Metal With A Scroll Saw

Have you ever wondered how to cut aluminum metal with a scroll saw?

Scroll saws are great tools for cutting through all kinds of materials, but theyre especially effective at cutting thin sheets of metal. Scroll saws can easily be used to cut aluminum. Its important to understand the process and safety precautions before attempting this type of project. This article will provide an overview of how to use your scroll saw safely and effectively when working with aluminum sheeting.

Scroll saws are capable of producing incredibly detailed cuts in a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, and even metal like aluminum sheeting. In fact, scrolling is actually one of the most popular ways to work with metals because it allows for clean cuts without causing any damage or distortion to the material itself. Stay tuned for more information!

These are the steps to take when cutting aluminum with a scrollsaw:

1. Measure And Mark:

Take measurements of the aluminum sheeting you will need to cut, and then mark the lines using a pencil or marker.

2. Get Your Saw Set Up:

Before you start cutting, make sure your scroll saw is properly setup. This includes setting the blade height and tension correctly.

3. Cut Along The Marked Lines:

When cutting through aluminum sheeting, use a slow, steady motion. Use even pressure to the blade, and keep your fingers and hands away from the moving blade.

4. Finalize The Cuts

After you have made all your cuts, smoothen any rough edges with a file or sandpaper.

Now that you know how to safely cut aluminum metal with a scroll saw, go ahead and give it a try! Be patient and careful while handling the blade. With a little practice, youll be able to make clean and precise cuts in no time.

Safety Tips

These are safety tips to remember when cutting aluminum with a scrollsaw:

Always wear safety goggles and a dust mask when cutting any kind of metal.

You should ensure that the blade you use is suitable for the metal you are cutting.

At all times, keep your fingers and hands clear of the blade.

Before cutting the metal, make sure to clamp it to a workbench. This will keep the metal stable as you work.

You should start slowly when you first cut into the metal to get a feel of how the blade works.

Remember to cool the blade frequently with a light mist of water to prevent it from overheating.

Some Comment Mistakes:

These are the most common errors people make when cutting aluminum using a scroll saw.

1. Use The Wrong Blade

Use a blade specifically designed for cutting metal. A standard scroll saw blade won’t be able to effectively cut through metal.

2. Too Much Pressure

Aluminum can be cut with a lot more pressure than wood. Apply firm pressure to the metal and keep the saw blade pressed firmly against the material you are cutting.

3. Trying To Cut Too Thick Of A Piece Of Metal:

If you try to cut too thick of a piece of metal, the saw blade will bog down and it will be difficult to make a clean cut. Try to stick with thinner pieces of metal whenever possible.

4. Not Using A Backer Board:

A backer board is a piece of wood or cardboard that you can use to back up the metal sheet you are cutting. This will help keep the blade from biting into the metal and make it easier to cut.

5. Safety Gear Not Used:

When cutting aluminum with a scrollsaw, always wear safety glasses and a dust mask. You can get your eyes and lungs irritated by the sawdust that is created when you cut metal.


Is There Any Special Blade For Cutting Aluminum Metal With A Scroll Saw?

Yes, you need to use a blade that is specifically designed to cut metal. A standard scroll saw blade will not be able to cut through metal effectively.

Is It Possible To Cut Aluminum Using A Jigsaw Or A Saw?

No, it is not recommended to use a jigsaw to cut aluminum sheeting. The jigsaw blade will not cut as well as a scroll saw blade.

How Can You Hold An Aluminum Piece While It Is Being Cut?

To hold the aluminum sheeting in place while cutting, some people use a vise grip. Others use clamps or a backer board to help keep the material stable.

With A Scroll Saw, Can You Make Curves In Aluminum?

Although it is possible to cut curves out of aluminum sheeting using a scroll saw with some practice, it can be difficult. Start by making a few test cuts on a scrap piece of metal to get the hang of it.

Do I Need A Backer Board To Cut Aluminum?

It is not always necessary to use a backer board when cutting aluminum, but it can help make the process easier.


We showed you how to cut aluminum metal with a scroll saw. Scroll sawing allows you to cut thin materials such as aluminum with precision.