How To Cut Laminate With Reciprocating Saw?

A reciprocating saw is a useful tool for carpenters and DIY enthusiasts. These handy tools can be used for all sorts of projects, including cutting through the laminate. In this blog post, well show you how to cut laminate with a reciprocating saw without ruining it. Have fun and stay safe!

What Is Laminate?

Laminate is a thin layer of material attached to a substrate, such as wood or particleboard. The laminate gives off the appearance of a hard surface. It is created by applying high pressure between layers of resin and paper under high heat and pressure. This is a popular commercial process that adds color and texture.

How To Cut Laminate With Reciprocating Saw Step By Step:

Here are some steps about how to cut laminate with a reciprocating saw. Keep in mind that you should always wear protective eyewear and clothing, keep the blade guard attached to the saw, and cut only when youre standing securely on a firm surface.

Step 1.

Mark the cutting line of the laminate with masking tape. Use an electric saw such as the one shown (click to see more) to mark your cutting line. Make sure your workpiece is securely secured while you make your cut.

Step 2.

If you want your piece to look great, mark another set of cutting lines 90 degrees from the first.

Step 3.

Turn it on and start cutting slowly. Push down on both levers simultaneously to make the cut (see image). If you have a pinless blade, just slide it into the space where the original blade was that should be enough to get started.

Step 4.

How much dust is coming off your saw’s cut line can tell you if it is cutting correctly. Too much dust could indicate that your saw is not making contact with the material as you move forward. However, if there is no dust, your saw is straining.

Step 5.

The best way to finish this job is to apply some sturdy tape over the cut lines so they dont come apart when lifted off (like in step 1 above) and then gently pull them apart. This method wont work 100% of the time, especially on certain substrates like particleboard (which is like super-strong wood). You can force the piece to come off with a plastic sheet if you are unable to do this step.

Step 6.

Now its time for sanding! Laminate is very easy to work with. However, you should only separate the pieces with tape or a card. If they are stuck together like glue, then you will need to be extra careful when sanding. These materials are susceptible to cracking and chipping if placed under too much stress.

Step 7.

Sand in circular motions until both sides of your material feel smooth. You can start using 120-grit paper or higher if you want just remember not to hold the sander still on any surface because it will cause burns.

Step 8.

After sanding, its time for polishing! Although most people do this step to make their laminate shine like new, you can skip it if your goal is to make the cut-lines disappear (not recommended). Use a clean cloth to polish the floor. You can buy this floor paste wax at any hardware store.

Safety Tips

Every once in a while, you need to check the blade guard on your reciprocating saw before using it this isnt necessary for electric ones, but watch out when using cordless tools.

When cutting laminate, always wear protective eyewear.

Before starting your cut, make sure that youre standing securely on a firm surface.

Dont forget to fully power off your saw before marking or cutting if you dont do this, the blade could spin wildly while youre making your cut.

Only use a pinless blade on your reciprocating saw theyre easier to replace when necessary.

You might need a heat gun or hairdryer if you are unable to separate the material from one side using the steps in step 6. This shouldnt be necessary on most types of laminate though.

Sanding can cause burns to your fingers so wear gloves!


What Type Of Blade Should Be Used To Cut Laminate?

While most reciprocating saw blades will do the job, there are specially designed products made for cutting laminate including this one.

How Does The Saw Hold Still When Cutting Laminate?

Its best to clamp down your material where possible, especially if it doesnt feel very sturdy.

How Can You Avoid Cutting The Laminate Too Thin?

When the pieces of laminate start to separate, you can increase your saws speed and decrease its pressure on the material.

How Long Does It Take To Cut Laminate With A Reciprocating Saw?

It all depends on the size of the piece. If you are cutting through multiple layers, it may take longer.

Why Would You Choose To Cut Laminate With A Reciprocating Saw Instead Of Another Type Of Saw?

This type of job is best suited for a reciprocating saw because the blade can be used in many angles and it’s very versatile.

Is Cutting Laminate Difficult?

It all depends on what type of material you are working with. If your material is heavy-duty (like solid core), your cuts may not be straight.

How Can You Avoid Cracking Laminate While Cutting It?

You can use a heat gun or hairdryer to cut thinner pieces. This works well for high-quality laminates.


This blog post will show you how to cut laminate using a reciprocating saw. We walked you through the process of choosing the right blade and setting up your saw for accurate cuts. We shared tips and tricks to help you avoid making mistakes when cutting laminate.

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