Why Is My Chain Saw Cut At An Angle?

Do you own a chain saw?

If you’re reading this, then it is likely that the answer to your question is yes. If that is the case, you will be aware that your chain saw can sometimes cut at an angle. But why does that happen and more importantly, how do you fix it?

Well answer those questions for you and provide some tips on how to keep your chain saw in good condition so that it cuts straight every time. So whether youre a pro or just starting out in the world of chainsawing, read on for all the info you need to get the most out of your tool.

These are just a few reasons chainsaws may cut at an angle.

1) If the chain is too tight, it can cause the chain to cut at an angle. You can loosen the chain by turning the adjustment screw on the side of the chainsaw.

2) A guide bar that is not parallel to the floor can cause the chain’s cut to be an angle. The screws can be loosen by either side of the guide bar to adjust it.

3) If there is too much tension on the blade, it will also cause the chain to cut at an angle. This can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the screws.

4) If the chain is not sharp, it will also cause the chain to cut at an angle. A chain saw file, or a sharpening stone can be used to sharpen the chain.

5) A poorly aligned chain can lead to a cut that is uneven. You can adjust the chain alignment by loosening or tightening the screws on the side of the chainsaw.

6) A chain that is worn out can cause it to be cut at an angle. The screws can be loosened on the side of your chainsaw to replace the chain.

7) Finally, the angle at which the chain saw cuts can also depend on the type of wood you are cutting. Hardwoods will cause the chain to cut at a sharper angle than softwoods.

These tips should help you to adjust your chainsaw so it cuts straight lines and doesn’t cause any damage.

How To Fix Chain Saw Cut At An Angle Issue:

Here are some steps how to fix chain saw cut at an angle issue:

1. You must first identify the root cause of the problem.

2. The guide bar may not be aligned properly with the chain if the angle of the chainsaw cuts is unusual.

3. To fix this, loosen the screws on the guide bar and rotate it until it is properly aligned.

4. Once it is properly aligned, tighten the screws on the guide bar to hold it in place.

5. The chain might have a problem if the saw cuts at an angle even after cutting.

6. In this case, you will need to replace the chain.

How To Stop A Chain Saw From Cutting At An Angle:

These are the steps you can take to stop your chainsaw from cutting at an angle.

1. You must ensure that your chain is properly tensioned. Too loose a chain can cause it to move more, which could lead to the saw cutting at an angle.

2. You must ensure that your chain is properly sharpened. A dull chain can cause the saw’s angle to cut.

3. You must ensure that the guide bar is properly aligned. The saw could cut at an angle if the guide bar isn’t aligned properly.

4. Use the right cutting technique. You could make the saw cut at an angle if you don’t use the right cutting technique.

5. Make sure that the saw is balanced properly. If the saw is not balanced properly, it could cause the saw to cut at an angle.

6. Make sure that the saw is in good condition. If the saw is not in good condition, it could cause the saw to cut at an angle.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to prevent your chain saw from cutting at an angle.


How Do I Adjust The Angle Of My Chain Saw?

Adjusting the angle of the chain saw can be done by loosening or tightening bolts that hold it in place. Be sure to read the owners manual for your specific saw to find out how to adjust the angle.

What Can I Do If My Chain Saw Is Cutting At An Angle?

If your chain saw is cutting at an angle, there are several things that you can do to try to fix the problem. Adjust the angle of your saw. Also, ensure that the guide bar aligns properly and that the saw is properly balanced. You can also try using a different cutting technique. You may have to take your saw to a professional if none of these options work.

How Can I Tell If My Chainsaw Is In Good Shape?

You can check the condition of your chain saw by looking for several things. Check the oil level to ensure it is at the right level. Next, check the chain to make sure that it is properly tensioned and that the teeth are sharp. Finally, check the guide bar to make sure that it is aligned correctly. You can take your saw to a professional if you notice any issues.


We have shown you how to adjust your chainsaw blade so it cuts straight. Sometimes, even if the blade has been adjusted correctly, the chainsaw cuts at an angle.

We discuss some possible causes of your chainsaw cutting at an angle and offer solutions to get you back to straight cuts. These are some of the possible solutions.